
文化旅游2024-10-15 16:19:07






1. 携带有效身份证件,如身份证、护照等;

2. 提前预约酒店,保障住宿安排;

3. 提前理解并遵守当地的措施;

4. 主动接受体温检测和健康码查验;

5. 无发热、咳嗽等疑似症状。


1. 持有效护照及签证;

2. 提前预约酒店,保证住宿安排;

3. 提前理解并遵守当地的措施;

4. 主动接受体温检测和健康码查验;

5. 无发热、咳嗽等疑似症状。


二、What conditions are required to visit Hnan now?

For domestic tourists:

1. Carry valid identification documents, such as ID cards, passports, etc.;

2. Book hotels in advance to ensure accommodation arrangements;

3. Understand and comply with local epidemic prevention and control measures in advance;

4. Actively accept temperature checks and health code inspections;

5. No fever, cough, or other suspected symptoms.

For international tourists:

1. Hold a valid passport and visa;

2. Book hotels in advance to ensure accommodation arrangements;

3. Understand and comply with local epidemic prevention and control measures in advance;

4. Actively accept temperature checks and health code inspections;

5. No fever, cough, or other suspected symptoms.

Now, let's delve deeper into each condition:

1. Valid Identification: It is crucial for tourists to carry their valid identification documents to prove their identity. This helps in ensuring a smooth entry into the province and facilitates various processes such as hotel bookings and travel arrangements.

2. Hotel Booking: Advance hotel booking is essential to ensure a comfortable stay in Hnan. Tourists should research and select hotels that suit their preferences and budget. Booking in advance also helps in avoiding last-minute accommodation issues.

3. Understanding Local Epidemic Prevention Measures: Tourists should stay updated with the latest epidemic prevention and control measures implemented by the local government. This includes wearing masks, practicing social distancing, and following guidelines for public gatherings.

4. Temperature Checks and Health Code Inspections: To ensure the safety of all tourists, temperature checks and health code inspections are mandatory. Tourists should cooperate with authorities and provide accurate health information.

5. No Symptoms of Illness: Tourists should monitor their health and avoid traveling if they have any symptoms of illness. This helps in preventing the spread of diseases and ensures a safe travel experience for everyone.

By meeting these conditions, tourists can enjoy their trip to Hnan while ensuring their safety and the safety of others.



1. 提前熟悉海南旅游景点及优惠政策,规划好行程;

2. 携带防晒用品如防晒霜、太阳帽、太阳镜等;

3. 准备适合海滩的衣物和鞋子;

4. 携带若干常用药品,如感冒药、肠胃药、止痛药等;

5. 关注饮食卫生,避免食用生冷食物;

6. 尊重当地风俗习惯,遵守景区规定;

7. 保持良好的环保意识,保护海南的自然环境。



声明:资讯来源于网络,属作者个人观点,仅供参考。 投诉
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