
来源:和田玉答疑合作伙伴 时间:2024-06-30 10:52:29






1. 质地:和田玉的质地细腻、光滑手感油腻。真品的和田玉在阳光下呈现出油脂光泽,而假冒伪劣产品的质地往往较为粗糙。

2. 色泽:和田玉的色泽自然、饱满,呈现出淡雅的白色或绿色。假冒伪劣产品的色泽往往过于鲜艳或暗淡。

3. 硬度:和田玉的硬度较高可达到6.5-7。用刀片刻划,真品不易被划伤。

4. 声音:敲击和田玉,真品的声音清脆悦耳,假冒伪劣产品的声音较为沉闷。


When it comes to determining the authenticity of Hetian jade, several key factors should be considered. Firstly, the texture of genuine Hetian jade is fine and smooth, with a greasy feel. Under sunlight, it exhibits an oily luster, whereas counterfeit products often have a rough texture.

Color is another important aspect. Authentic Hetian jade features a natural and rich color, ranging from light white to green. Counterfeit products may have an excessively vibrant or dull color.

Hardness is also a crucial indicator. Hetian jade has a high hardness, reaching 6.5-7 on the Mohs scale. It is not easily scratched by a knife.

Lastly, the sound produced when tapping the jade can also help identify its authenticity. Genuine Hetian jade emits a crisp and pleasant sound, while counterfeit products tend to produce a dull sound.


To delve deeper into the identification of Hetian jade, one must pay attention to the following methods. First, observe the texture and luster of the jade. Hetian jade should feel smooth and have an oily sheen. Additionally, examine the color closely. Authentic Hetian jade has a natural and subtle hue, while fake ones often have an artificial appearance.

Next, test the hardness of the jade. Hetian jade is known for its high hardness and should not be easily scratched. You can use a knife to scratch the surface gently. If it leaves a mark, the jade is likely fake.

Furthermore, inspect the jade for any imperfections or cracks. Genuine Hetian jade often has natural inclusions or tiny cracks, which are a sign of its authenticity. Lastly, listen to the sound when tapping the jade. A clear and melodious sound indicates genuine Hetian jade, while a dull sound may suggest a fake.


In the market, there are numerous counterfeit Hetian jades that can easily deceive unsuspecting buyers. It is crucial to be vigilant and aware of the following warning signs. Fake Hetian jades often have an uneven color distribution, with noticeable color differences in different areas.

Moreover, the texture of counterfeit jades is usually rough and lacks the smoothness of genuine Hetian jade. They may also have a plastic-like feel, which is a clear indicator of a fake. Additionally, be cautious of jades that have an excessively high polish, as this may be an attempt to hide imperfections.

Another red flag is the price. If a Hetian jade is offered at an unusually low price, it is likely a fake. Authentic Hetian jade is valuable and rare, and its price reflects its quality. Lastly, always purchase from reputable sources and seek professional authentication if necessary.



头像 我的小傻瓜 2024-06-30
主要是看和田玉的纹路、色泽、籽料的毛孔以及雕刻工艺等,特别是一些细微的暗裂、浸泡过水蜡的裂,需要通过放大镜来鉴别。4 听声音和田玉质地细腻温润。2 分辨纹理:真正的和田玉具有自然的纹理,如细密如鱼鳞的纹络、细腻的晶粒等。假冒产品的纹理常常粗糙或过于规则。
头像 陈亦飘 2024-06-30
怎样辨别和田玉是不是真的假的怎样去辨别和田玉是不是真的假的和田玉是传统的文化宝藏之一自古以来被人们视为珍贵的收藏品。- 浸泡测试:将和田玉籽料放入温水中浸泡,真正的和田玉籽料应具有均匀的渗透性,水分渗透整块石料并慢慢散发出来。假使材料吸水不均匀、水龟裂或气泡过多。





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