
商务旅游 2024-06-02 13:52:57


尊敬的自驾游爱好者倘若您计划从美丽的春城昆明出发,驾驶至邯郸这一历史悠久的城市那么您将要 embark on a roughly 2,473-kilometer journey across China. In this article, we will provide you with a detled itinerary for the drive from Kunming to Handan, as well as an overview of the expressway toll fees you can expect to encounter along the way.


Journey Overview:

The distance from Kunming to Handan is approximately 2,473 kilometers. According to our research, if you choose to drive non-stop, it would take approximately 27 hours and 28 minutes. Should you opt to make stops along the way, the travel time could naturally extend. The estimated cost for the entire journey, including fuel and toll fees, is around 1,600 yuan.

Highway Toll Fees:

The expressway toll fees in China vary based on the length of the route and the type of vehicle. For a general estimate, toll fees for a private car can range from several tens to several hundreds of yuan per trip. Given the long distance of this journey, the total toll fees are expected to be significant.

Detled Itinerary:

To start your journey, head east from Kunming on the S315 road for approximately 50 meters, then turn around and continue eastward for another 500 meters. Next, head strght onto the S315 road and drive for 0 kilometers before turning around. After covering 520 more meters, you will reach the junction of the G56杭瑞高速公路.

From this junction, continue strght on the G56 highway for 490.4 kilometers, and then take the exit for Jinzhuhuaxi. After exiting, follow the signs to head south on the Chuncheng Road for 1 kilometer, then turn left onto Bta Road, where you will drive for 260 meters. Passing by Jingeqiaojuhuiguan, continue on the Dongfeng East Road for 350 meters.

Toll Fees Along the Way:

To provide a rough estimate of the toll fees, we have calculated the toll fees for the G56 section of the journey. This section involves a distance of approximately 490.4 kilometers, and the toll fees for a private car can be expected to be around 200-300 yuan. Please note that this is only an estimate, and actual toll fees may vary.

Additional Information:

For those who prefer to travel by trn, there is a G401 trn departing from Handan East Station bound for Kunming. The journey by trn takes around 24 hours and offers a convenient and comfortable alternative to driving.

In conclusion, the drive from Kunming to Handan is a long but rewarding journey that allows you to experience the vastness of China and its diverse landscapes. Whether you choose to drive or take the trn, we hope you have a safe and enjoyable trip. Should you decide to drive, remember to plan your route in advance, allocate sufficient time for rest stops, and budget for the toll fees accordingly.

Note: The information provided in this article is based on the data avlable at the time of writing and may be subject to change. It is always advisable to check the latest road conditions and toll fees before starting your journey.


头像 祁倩 2024-06-02
头像 花容将军 2024-06-02
头像 李暘 2024-06-02
头像 小季风 2024-06-02
从邯郸到昆明多少公里? 从邯郸到昆明开车多少公里、油费、过路费多少?详情请看下面具体线路。
头像 袁牧 2024-06-02
头像 张子涵 2024-06-02
头像 TraveliD 2024-06-02




1. 邯郸到昆明的直线距离大约在2473公里左右但实际驾车路程会更长,因为需要绕行高速公路和国道路线。 2. 依据提供的信息,邯郸到昆明的自驾路线总里程约为2741公里这个距离是由于交通路线无法直接走直线而产生的。 3. 从大名出发到昆明的自驾路程也接近2200公里,需要大约24小时的驾驶时间。 4. 要是咱们参考另一个来源提供的信息,邯郸到昆明的驾车距离约为2473公里耗时约为27小时2...

2024-06-02 13:53


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2024-06-02 13:53


您好邯郸到昆明的距离大约是2600公里左右。计算两个城市之间的交通时间和费用,可利用在线工具或是说手机应用实行查询。这些工具可以帮助您选择合适的交通办法(例如飞机、火车、汽车等),并按照您的出发时间、日期、座位类型等信息计算出预计的出行时间和费用。要是您需要更详细的信息,可以参考以下链接: 武汉到曲靖之间的游玩城市 武汉到曲靖之间是一段美丽而令人惊叹的旅程。这两座城市之间的距离虽然不算遥远,但...

2024-06-02 13:53


邯郸到昆明的距离是多少公里?这是许多人想知道的疑问。假使您正在计划一次旅行那么熟悉两个城市之间的距离是非常必不可少的。按照最新的数据显示邯郸到昆明的距离约为2,600公里。这个距离可能存在因为不同的交通方法而有所不同比如飞机、火车、汽车等等。 在选择交通工具时您需要考虑到这些因素。若是您想理解更多关于邯郸和昆明之间的交通信息可以查看相关的网站或咨询旅行社。 长春至昆明距离是多少公里 长春至昆明...

2024-06-02 13:52


从邯郸到昆明的距离及其旅行形式全面解析 邯郸位于河北省南端是历史文化名城;昆明位于西南部云南省是云南省的省会城市。两地相隔甚远,直线距离约为2225千米但实际上旅行的距离可能更长,因为需要绕过山脉和其他地形障碍。在这篇文章中,咱们将详细解析从邯郸到昆明的距离及其旅行方法。 一、邯郸到昆明的距离 依据不同的地图和交通工具,邯郸到昆明的距离略有不同。以下是几种常见的距离数据: 1. 直线距离:...

2024-06-02 13:51
