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2014-07-14   作者:马汀令可   |   热度:   收藏   发表评论 0
马汀令可公司将于2014年9月18-19日在上海举办精益5S 和目视化管理(新)研讨会。本次公开课的最终目的是让您在课堂上掌握方法工具,并助您在实际工作中加以运用。工厂运营总是追求客户满意的前提下,降低成本,提高
安全文化网 www.anquan.com.cn 马汀令可公司将于2014年9月18-19日在上海举办精益5S 和目视化管理(新)研讨会。
* 5S综述
* 硬件推进之手法
* 硬件推进之“现场诊断”篇
* 软件推进之手法
* 固化推进之手法
* 目视化在5S、现场管理中的运用
* 5S的战略部署
* 以参会者为中心,注重参会者的参与;
* 实务案例分析与精心设计的游戏相结合,倡导启发式学习;
* 研讨会中听得懂、研讨会后记得住,这样才能学得会 ---- 擅长把枯燥复杂演绎得生动简单。

如果公司有很多人有类似的培训需要,那么您不妨考虑内部培训的解决方案。培训将在贵公司现场举行。并且培训可以根据您具体的要求来进行。请联系Whitney Shen来讨论合作的可能。
电话:+86 28 8532 7678
如需进一步了解详情, 请联系:
Tina Deng 
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
F: +86 28 8532 6768
Email: tina.deng@ulinking.com
Lean 5S and Visual Management (New)
18th&19th September 2014
Shanghai, China
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Lean 5S and Visual Management (New) on 18th&19th September 2014 in Shanghai. 
The purpose of this seminar is to fully grasp the methods and tools in class, and can be used in your work. Factory operation is always the pursuit of reducing costs, improving efficiency, ensuring the quality under the premise of customer satisfaction. Look forward to you put this to use with remarkable achievements.
How you will learn from the seminar?
* 5S review
* Hardware promotion technique
* On-site diagnostic of hardware promotion
* Software promotion technique
* Solidifying promotion technique
* Visual management in the application of 5S, on-site management
* 5S strategic plan
Seminar form:
Consultant will use practical examples and case studies to reinforce and expand the scope to cover applicable concepts in this seminar.
Seminar Features:
* Learner-centred, pay attention to the participation of trainees;
* Combine practical case studies and well designed games, advocate discovery learning;
* Good at interpretation of the complex and boring content simple and vivid.
Who should attend?
General Manager, vice president of production, plant director, production manager, workshop director, team leader, warehouse supervisor, 6S promotion manager, on-site manager
In-House Training Solutions
If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be tailored to specific requirements. Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.
安全文化网 www.anquan.com.cn