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2015-02-03   |   热度:   收藏   发表评论 0
安全文化网 www.anquan.com.cn 马汀令可公司将于2015年3月26-27日在上海举办金牌班组长能力提升最佳实践的培训活动。
* 以参会者为中心,注重参会者的参与和互动;
* 以自己二十几年的亲身感悟和积累的经验来贴合实际讲解,注重思路清晰,概念清楚,讲究结合实践,给与会者更多“干货”。
* 研讨会以重视“实战、实操、实效”为根本目的,这样才能学得会,回去后用得上。
* 介绍如何把做事和做人结合起来,使得做人和做事相得益彰--做人快乐,做事顺利。
单元一、首先和全体人员交流此次《金牌班组长能力提升》两天学习研讨的方向和思路,只有大家方向明确、思路清晰了,后面的学习效果才有保障。(约1 小时)
1, 本次研讨会的方向和思路
2, 组长要具备什么样的能力,和如何提升这样的能力
3, 这些能力如何和现场管理相结合起来来得到公司要的业绩结果
4, 班组长的职责和定位
5, 班组长能力提升对企业的意义
6, 提高能力的几个关键点
单元二、金牌班组长应该具备什么样的六大能力,金牌组长能力展示米字图 (约6 小时)
单元三、生产车间现场管理 (约6 小时)
1, 现场管理的基本原理
2, 现场5S 管理
3, 现场安全管理
4, 现场可视化管理
5, 设备自主维护
6, 早会管理
7, 常用工具的使用
单元四、人生获得智慧和能量的密码(1 小时)

请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:
电话:+86 28 8532 7678
如需进一步了解详情, 请联系:
Tina Deng 
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
Email: tina.deng@linkingu.com
Gold Medal Team Leader Ability Improvement
Best Practices
Shanghai, China
March 26-27, 2015
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Gold Medal Team Leader Ability Improvement Best Practices on 26-27 March 2015 in Shanghai.
Who Should Attend?
Frontline production team leader, shift leader, supervisoretc.
The backbone of the enterprise and frontline production and operation related personnel, including planning, material, manufacturing, quality and other technical support personnel, relevant engineer.
Seminar Features:
* Learner-centred, pay attention to theparticipation of delegates;
* Use his 20 years of personal feeling and experience to interpret realistic, pay attention to clear thinking, clear concept, and pay attention to combining with practice, to give the participants more "dry stuff".
* Regard “practical exercise, practical operating, true effect” as the fundamental purpose, to learn well and use after coming back.
* Describes how to combine work and life, make life and work bring out the best in each other – to be happy, to do things well.
Seminar Outline
Section 1 First communicate two days Gold Medal Team Leader Ability Improvement seminar learning direction and thoughts, only if we have clear direction, clear thinking, then the rest of the learning effect is guaranteed. (about 1 hour)
1, Direction and thoughts of this seminar
2, What kinds of ability should team leader have, and how to improve this kinds of ability
3, How these capabilities combining together with on-site management to get the company's performance result
4, Team leader’s responsibility and positioning
5, The meaning of the team leader’s ability improvement to the enterprise
6, A few key points to improve the ability
Section 2 What kind of six big capacities a gold medal team leader should have and show gold team leader abilities figure (about 6 hours)
2,Communication ability
3,Problem solving ability
4,Executive ability
5,Team building ability
Section 3 Production workshop site management (about 6 hours)
1,Basic principle of on-site management
2,On-site 5S management
3,On-site safety management
4,On site visual management
5,Equipment autonomous maintenance
6,Early meeting management
7,Use of common tools
Section 4 Password of life wisdom and energy (1 hour)
Ethics first, business second
People having both ability and political integrity are the most popular among enterprises
Observe the precepts and righteous professional ethnic, be mindful, sweep before your own door
Quiet leads to wisdom, mania leads to faint
The principle of a happy life, smooth way to do things
The principle and method of wisdom and energy
In-House Training Solutions
If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be
tailored to specific requirements.
Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.
如需进一步了解详情, 请联系:
Tina Deng 
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited
T: +86 28 8532 7678
Email: tina.deng@linkingu.com
安全文化网 www.anquan.com.cn