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2015-05-28   |   热度:   收藏   发表评论 0
安全文化网 www.anquan.com.cn 马汀令可公司将于2015年6月25-26日在上海举办工厂安全管理最佳实践2015的培训活动。



* 熟悉并了解工厂运营各个阶段所需的所有的安全管理要素
* 工厂安全管理知识,例如:高风险操作、培训、应急响应、风险管理……
* 了解不同运营阶段需要的安全管理

* 工厂整个生命周期阶段的EHS管理,EHS法律许可要求
* 工厂建设的安全管理
* EHS预算管理和风险解决方案
* 如何实现卓越的工厂EHS
* EHS管理相关的高风险操作
* 工厂培训矩阵的制定和设计
* 工厂紧急响应、演练和实践
* 工厂安全管理程序的制定和管理实践


* 马汀令可的研讨会是基于丰富的经验、最佳实践和真实的公司案例研究来制定的。
* 咨询师将会用互动的案例研究和小组讨论的方式来使得参会者获得实际的知识和实施的能力

* EHS经理/主管/团队领导人
* 工厂经理、设施经理或工程师、设备维护经理
* EHS/工程工程师

化学,油类(石油,油脂等),金属制造, 汽车制造,机械制造,制药,IT 制造,建筑,一般制造企业

请联系 Whitney Shen 来讨论合作的可能:
电话:+86 28 8532 7678
Tina Deng
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: tina.deng@linkingu.com

Plant Safety Management Best Practices 2015
Shanghai, China
June 25-26 2015
MARTIN LINKING is convening the Plant Safety Management Best Practices 2015 on 25-26 June 2015 in Shanghai.
Seminar overview:
The request to achieve increasingly high standards of EHS performance is a growing challenge for companies around the world. This seminar will share with you the world-class EHS management philosophy in manufacturing plant and guide you through EHS programs and systematic system to achieve your plant EHS excellence.
Seminar delivery:
This 2 days seminar is designed to teach EHS management skills needed to successfully implement a safety program at your operation.
How you will benefit from the seminar?
* Familiar and understand all the safety program needed in a plant during different stage of plant operation
* Knowledge on how to manage a plant safety program, eg. high risk operation, training, emergency response, risk management…
* Understand the what safety program needed in different operation stage
How you will learn from the seminar?
* Plant life cycle stage EHS management, EHS legal permit requirement
* Plant construction safety management
* Manage EHS budge and risk solutions
* How to achieve plant EHS excellence
* Plant high risk operation related EHS management
* Plant training matrix development and design
* Plant emergency response, drills and practices
* Plant safety program development and management practices
Seminar Outline
Session I: Construction transition to operation
Session II: Introduction of OSHA511
Session III: Setup Safety Programs for a plant
Session IV: Training & Implementation
Session V: Emergency Response
Seminar Format:
* Martin Linking seminars are developed based on in-depth experience, best practices and real companies’ case studies.
* The consultant will use interactive case studies and group discussions to enable participants to acquire practical knowledge and capabilities for implementation.
Who Should Attend?
* EHS managers/supervisors/team leaders
* Plant managers, facility managers or engineers, equipment maintenance managers
* EHS/engineering engineers
Industries for this seminar:
Chemical, Oil, Metal Manufacturers, Auto manufacturers, Machinery manufacturers, Pharmaceutical, IT manufacturers, Builders, General manufacturing enterprises
In-House Training Solutions
If you have a number of delegates with similar training needs, then you may wish to consider having an In-House Training solution delivered locally on-site. Course can be
tailored to specific requirements.
Please contact Whitney Shen on +86 28 8532 7678 or email whitney.shen@martinlinking.net to discuss further possibilities.
Tina Deng
Martin Linking Business Consulting Company Limited

T: +86 28 8532 7678
E: tina.deng@linkingu.com

安全文化网 www.anquan.com.cn